Activity Tracking and Weight Loss: Apps and Gadgets in Practice

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Project Infobox Question-icon.png
Self researcher(s) Arne Tensfeldt
Related tools Withings Scale, Fitbit, Beeminder
Related topics Diet and weight loss, Sports and fitness, Activity tracking, Food tracking

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Show and Tell Talk Infobox
Featured image Activity-tracking-and-weight-loss-apps-and-gadgets-in-practice.jpg
Date 2013/05/12
Event name 2013 QS Europe Conference
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Activity Tracking and Weight Loss: Apps and Gadgets in Practice is a Show & Tell talk by Arne Tensfeldt that has been imported from the Quantified Self Show & Tell library.The talk was given on 2013/05/12 and is about Diet and weight loss, Sports and fitness, Activity tracking, and Food tracking.


A description of this project as introduced by Quantified Self follows:

Arne Tensfeldt of Hamburg, Germany is an organizer of the QS meet up group there. Arne talks about activity tracking using Withings, Beeminder, and Fitbit to support his weight loss and led to new habits.

Video and transcript

A transcript of this talk is below:

Arne Tensfeldt

Activity Tracking and Weight Loss - Apps and Gadgets in Practice

Hello, my name is Arne Tensfeldt. I’m from Hamburg Germany and I’m the organizer of the Quantified Self meetup group there. This Monday we always start our second meetup. And today I want to talk about activity tracking and weight loss. I’m very interested in tracking my activity, food, and nutrition and I will talk about a project that I have setup at the end of last year. The reason why I’m interested to do that is I’m already gathering some different weight tracking data of the last six years. This is an example of my weight data from about six years. Also I’m interested to analyze my nutrition. This is a chart and an exact breakdown to protein, fats, carbohydrates, and calories during one month that I’ve tried to analyze past years ago. But the main reason why I tried or at least to lose some weight, that I’m gaining weight through the pregnancy of my wife! At all times she has to eat a little small meal, I joined her but I also eat a regular size meal, so I gained about 12 Kilos with her. What have I done? I’ve tried to lose my weight and get back in shape. I started back in August last year, and within about 92Kg, and I set my personal goal to go back to 80Kg. and the date which I would reach this goal came from the different gadgets and two I use. The first is the Fitbit Activitytracker that I’ve used to analyze my daily activities and my calories that I’ve burned. The second one was my Withing’s body scale, which connects to the Beeminder which visualizes my daily weight data. How did I do it? I used the function in the Fitbit integrated to lose my weight. Inside my goal weight that I want to reach and Fitbit provides me the day which I would reach this goal through the daily difference between calorie intake and calorie consumption. And all I have to do to reach this green point, the difference of about 500Kg a day. This is another chart that shows the number of calorie intake and the calorie burnt and the development through a whole month. How did I do it, or how to use a Beeminder? The weight data came automatically from my Withing scale and was connected through to the Beeminder, and this is an example of how it looks like in Beeminder. The blue spots are all my weight data point through the whole journey, and that’s the goal I reached at the end of December. And this is a graph of my whole weight journey started in August and to reach my goal at the end of last year, and there are two main impacts from stomach flu where my weight data drops down and came back on the track. At this point I had my normal nutrition, my normal diet back again. What I’ve learned from this project, I’ve got a very improved feeling for all my food and all my nutrition data I’ve daily consumed. And I’ve made myself some motivational pictures that I’ve arranged with the amount of calories and the distance I have to run to burn that amount. And I try to improve to implement much more activity every day. For example at first in the past I’ve used the car to drive to work, and later I’ve used the train and get the additional footsteps from the train to the workstation and back. There you can see activity from going running in the evening.

Thank you.

About the presenter

Arne Tensfeldt gave this talk.