
Page statistics
Content pages575
(All pages in the wiki, including talk pages, redirects, etc.)
Uploaded files515
Edit statistics
Page edits since Personal Science Wiki was set up19,115
Average edits per page9.75
User statistics
Registered users (list of members)16,292
Active users (list of members)
(Users who have performed an action in the last 30 days)
Bots (list of members)1
Administrators (list of members)4
Interface administrators (list of members)4
Bureaucrats (list of members)4
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Widget editors (list of members)0
Administrators (Semantic MediaWiki) (list of members)0
Curators (Semantic MediaWiki) (list of members)0
Editors (Semantic MediaWiki) (list of members)0
View statistics
Views total3,042,865
Views per edit159.19
Most viewed pages
Personal Science Wiki162,710
A 30 Day Trial of the Slow Carb Diet48,879
Cognitive Testing26,029
Reasons for and against self tracking and quantification24,399
PersonalScienceWiki:Open Issues22,277
Finding relations between variables in time series20,118
Diet tracking19,518
Flash Cards as Cognitive Test19,269
Deciphering My Brain Fog18,248
Semantic statistics
Property values (total)11,114
  -  Property values (improper annotations)5
Properties (total) 54
  -  Properties (used with at least one value)29
  -  Properties (registered with a page) 14
  -  Properties (assigned to a datatype)16
Entities (total) 15,608
  -   Outdated entities 7,276
  -  Subobjects0
  -  Concepts1
  -  Queries (embedded, total)794
    -  count format715
    -  list format148
    -  ul format6