Diet tracking

Revision as of 20:08, 28 October 2021 by DG (talk | contribs) (→‎Sources)


First section of table deals with what should be deal breakers. Some apps do not allow exporting at all in any way and as such are almost useless to self quantification. Some apps include detailed to the minute timestamps. A few don't allow changing quantity?

Notes can be used in many ways such as writing down how tasty the food was or where it was bought or what brand of generic food was purchased.

Apps require connection to internet for some or almost all of their features to work.

Apps can require continuous payment (such as MFP requiring 40$ per year), one time upfront cost, free and one is even open source. The amount of features walled off from non paying users also varies. O = Open Source, F = Free and /y means per year.

Specific food can be found by scanning the barcode (and this usually requires online connectivity), search by name, and popular/recent.

Detail of nutrition tracked varies between apps as some track just macronutrients while others go into greater detail.

Some apps do not allow entering custom foods. Some apps use user contributions to populate their database of foods while others use formal databases like USDA.

Table of Apps

name quantity timestamp export notes offline Price &


search fave/recent barcode detailnutrition serv.choiceselect customfood water
SparklePeople y n p n y y y y n y y
looseit y n y n y y y y w n ? p
fooducate y n p n y y y y n y n
cronometer y p p p n y y y y y y n
fatsecret y n ? n y y w y y n w
myfitnesspal y p w w w 40/y y y y y y y y
eathismuch y n ? ? w y w w y y n
mynetdairy y n ? n y y y y y y y w
bitesnap y y y y y F w y y y y n w
glucosebuddy ? y n n w y y y y n n
my diet diary y n ? n w w y n y y y y
MyPlate y n ? n w y y y w n y ?
smartplate n n ? n y y y n n ? ?
openfoodfacts n n y n O y y y y y y n most detailed database
Waistline y n y O

Apps that do not export their data


This table is from may 2019.