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[[Tahl Milburn]] gave this talk.
[[Tahl Milburn]] gave this talk.
[[Category:Show and Tell]][[Category:Fitness and physical activity]][[Category:Heart rate and cardiovascular health]][[Category:Sleep]][[Category:Productivity]][[Category:Diet, digestion and weight loss]][[Category:Habits]][[Category:Mental health]][[Category:Social]][[Category:Environment]][[Category:Body measurements]]
[[Category:Show and Tell]][[Category:Fitness and physical activity]][[Category:Heart rate and cardiovascular health]][[Category:Sleep]][[Category:Productivity]][[Category:Diet, digestion and weight loss]][[Category:Habits]][[Category:Mental health]][[Category:Social]][[Category:Environment]][[Category:Body measurements projects]]

Revision as of 10:56, 2 March 2023

Project Infobox Question-icon.png
Self researcher(s) Tahl Milburn
Related tools LIAM
Related topics Social life and social media, Productivity, Heart rate, Temperature, Sleep, Activity tracking, Diet and weight loss, Social interactions, Mood and emotion, Food tracking, Location tracking, Ficial spending

Builds on project(s)
Has inspired Projects (0)
Show and Tell Talk Infobox
Featured image How-my-life-automation-system-quantifies-my-life.jpg
Date 2015/06/18
Event name 2015 QS Global Conference
Slides How-my-life-automation-system-quantifies-my-life.pdf
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How My Life Automation System Quantifies My Life is a Show & Tell talk by Tahl Milburn that has been imported from the Quantified Self Show & Tell library.The talk was given on 2015/06/18 and is about Social life and social media, Productivity, Heart rate, Temperature, Sleep, Activity tracking, Diet and weight loss, Social interactions, Mood and emotion, Food tracking, Location tracking, and Ficial spending.


A description of this project as introduced by Quantified Self follows:

Tahl Milburn presents LIAM, a life automation system he created. It's a system that gives him a 360 view of his life and its automatic system. He focuses on 9 elements that keep someone happy: physical, mental, spiritual, assets, vocation, interests, experiences, relationships, community. There's no logging, but occasional data correction. He talks about his data and what he has learned about himself using LIAM.

Video and transcript

A transcript of this talk is below:

My name is Tahl Milburn and today we’re going to be talking about Liam. This is a life automation system. It’s a system that gives me a 360 view of my life and it’s automatic. There’s no logging. There’s occasional data correction but that’s about it.

So I am the creator of this system and it’s now in its fourth generation and I’ve been working on it for quite a few years. And this is the logo for it that I’ve come up with. It does have a voice. It does talk to me, it’s part of my home automation system and it does text me and it interacts with me. So what we’ll be talking today about is the life state component of it. this gives me a real time state of my life. Life consul and life chronical which is a sequential record of my life, and it’s going to be on a break-out session on Friday. So I want to be blue because blue means I have a life score of 97 or above, and that color is available on ambient devices including the ambient orb, as well as the Blink one on various laptops and computers, so I can see at all times that I’m blue. That’s on a scale of five colors, and this life score is automatically calculated with the weighted scoring of the life state categories, and we’ll get into some details on the life state categories. So the first one is that my current location, the ambient conditions at my current location, and entertainment as part of the environment. In terms of my physical self, my weight, activity, my sleep and my current age, those are included into this. My finances which include my current net worth, my investments and how they’re doing, my spending, and tracking for retirement and we’ll get into a little bit more detail here in a few minutes. So that’s the third category, finances. And then the fourth and fifth categories are experiences, where do I spend my time, what have I been doing and with whom. And then the life states of people in my close circle, so my partner and in terms of my mother for example because that has an indirect impact on my life. So specifically whether I’m at home or office, my cabin or at a certain address that will rank as high, positive, neutral or negative. Physical temperature, whether I’m listening to music, there’s video playing, the current lighting of my house or whether I’m located or whether I’m in my spa. Communication, what calls I’ve had that day, email that I’ve received that day and physical mail whether that’s been received and then I can give it a quantification. And then like I said, my weight, steps, fitness and sleep all fit into that scoring. Every one of these things has a weighted entry into this automated scorecard. Okay, you get some idea. My sleep for example is at the very bottom. And then we cannot forget the ultimate deadline. This is my life meter. This is how many, how much of my statistical life has been consumed so far and how much of it I have left, and that has a bearing on my overall score if you will. I run five models on for investment planning, for retirement planning that is updated automatically. In addition to that I maintain a current fixed score for the volatility of the US stock markets, so I know you know every 15 minutes this is how my investments compare to key indices in the market so I know how my investments are doing overall compared to these indices. This is a chart that kind of shows where I spend my time. Whether it’s in the home, travel, in the office etc. and it plots it across the months. And I actually have minimums and maximums as well that I want to spend in these various locations. And then it automatically tracks where I travelled, and this map shows the current state of where I travelled to, with the circles indicating how much I’ve been there. so I have family in Texas, that’s why you see the big dot there. So what I’m doing is important to. Everything has metadata associated with it, so categories and the significance of those entries have an impact of the overall score, and it also informs other things. this is the life stat of my partner so I do track because the weight, sleep cycles, location etc. has an indirect bearing in my life. And then on the next slide I asked my mother to start reporting her affective health state as a color, one of four colors every 24 hours, and it allows me to get an idea and you can see with the 21 day moving average that it’s kind of going down. I even track my cat. So how often she’s eating, there’s a camera that takes a picture every time she eats or drinks, and I can actually plot whether the cat is well, sick, or simply locked in a closet which happened not too long ago. So in summary, it’s fed by my environment, my physical self-finances and experiences, and then friends and family all come into a card and then are boiled up into a single number and then a color. So how that happens I have sensors, tasks, and the work side I create things like emails and blogs etc. and services all go into Liam. He will then crunch it and then create summarizations and selection of that data to abstract it. So the raw data is abstracted at five levels. The final level is that one number and one color, but it’s abstracted like I say in multiple levels. The middle three levels are available as webpages, and so I can see and get some detail on each of the categories with some decent amount of detail. And again, the detail continues to get more and more abstract until it gets to that single color. So just as a kind of example, this is what the level one summary looks like, it’s quite concise and you will see that it has color codes next to the items, so these are all green. And by the way, just as of today my life color is green not blue because the stock market has been a little funny. This is the idea of a life chronical, which is a sequential record of the day, this represents one day, actually it comes off the page here. The color coding determines where I was. I had 6300 days of data, which is quite a lot and you can probably do the math there. I will do a breakout session tomorrow at four that talks about life chronical. Today this focusses on the current life state. So there’s a lot of history, but the thing that fascinated me the most was the presidential daily report, that the idea that the president gets a state of the world one concise page. I thought that would be cool if I could do that about my life. Just get one page that says this is the summary of how your life is going. So that’s what inspired me and that was quite a few years ago.

So my life is good when I am blue. So Liam is alive today. I’ve been prodded by my friends to consider doing a kickstarter or to seek some angel funding for this because this is a side project for me, so I’m certainly thinking about that and I’m not going to get the website right now because it’s fallen down because I had so many people visiting.

About the presenter

Tahl Milburn gave this talk.