No lead?

I expect articles to have a "lead" paragraph prior to the table of contents on the page. (I'm not sure if this is a product of the template used to start pages; that might be inadvertently resulting in this...) Madprime (talk) 13:47, 8 November 2021 (UTC)

Yeah, it's a result of the template where the form data goes all either into the info-box or below the ToC. I'll move the first bits manually above the ToC as a lede. - Gedankenstuecke (talk) 08:45, 9 November 2021 (UTC)

What is so complicated? time is UTC or Unix Epoch and timezone is just worse location

Time zone is just a worse location. If all companies use UTC or LE there are no problems. This wiki page points out how much effort computer programmers put into preventing bugs and then how much bug potential not using UTC/LE makes. Avoid companies that export dates and time in local time as many other issues will crop up.

2. Saving all data in local time of recording

This is not an option; if something goes wrong with timezone the data is fricasseed but UTC does not let this happen. The more a person is a health tracker the more its likely that they have geographic location. More over converting to local time has next to no purpose; QSers track their sleep, and those that care have devices that track their lumens exposure. There is no point in converting to UTC unless its editing some manual entry within an hour.

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