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Leaning into Grief, Learning from Gratitude, Learning from Self-Report, Lessons From the Gray Zone Between QS and CBT, Managing My Time with A Dashboard View, Measuring the Moment, Meditation and Brain Function, Memomics And Longevity, Memorizing My Daybook, Memory and Learning, Meta-Effects of Happiness Tracking, Mindtrack, Mood tracking with Emostrong cards, Moodscope, subjective ratings and body blogging, My Life In 40 Variables, My Spreadsheet from Hell, My experience with a smartphone brainscanner, Nasal Breathing Improves Wellbeing, Over-Instrumented Running: What I Learned From Doing Too Much, Panic, Parkinson's Tracking Update, Playing with my Breath, Psychological Self-Monitoring for the Military, Putting Numbers to Sleep, QS Tools for Military Style Training, Quantified Brain and Music for Self-Tuning, Quantified Self for Preventative Care, Quantified/Unquantified, Quantifying My Mental and Experiential State, Quantifying The Effects Of Microaggressions, Quantifying the Emotional Self, Re-Living My Life with Mood Tracking, Reverse Mood Tracking, Rhythmanalysis, Science, Smell, Fashion, Self Tracking Awareness and Change, SenseOS, Sleep As A Galaxy, Sub-Perceptual Psilocybin Dosing, Technology for Mindfulness, The Coffee Experiment, The Effects of a Year in Ketosis, The Human Face of Big Data, Tracking After A Stroke: Doctors, Dogs, And All The Rest, Tracking Baby Milestones: Surprising Results Of Bringing Data To Parenting, Tracking Happiness, Tracking Media Consumption, Tracking What I Do Versus What I Say I'll Do, Tracking with Zenobase, Tracking your brain on booze, Boozerlyzer