Nasal Breathing Improves Wellbeing

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Self researcher(s) Scott Wolf
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Date 2011/10/27
Event name Bay Area Meetup
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Nasal Breathing Improves Wellbeing is a Show & Tell talk by Scott Wolf that has been imported from the Quantified Self Show & Tell library.The talk was given on 2011/10/27 and is about Mood and emotion.


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Scott Wolf is a physician and a medical device inventor who is fascinated with noses. He thinks nasal breathing is important and essential for health, but also for mood energy and well-being. He shares his experiences with Breath Right Strip and how his mood and his well-being improves when he wears it.

Video and transcript

A transcript of this talk is below:

Scott Wolf

Nasal Breathing Improves Wellbeing

Hi, I’m Scott Wolf and I’m a physician and a medical device inventor. I am very interested in noses these days, fascinated by them and not just in a weirdly sexual way. But I think nasal breathing is way more important as we think. There is lots of causes for nasal breathing and it leads to these problems that these are some of the things that you go to the doctor for. I’m saying that nasal breathing is essential to have health, but also to mood energy and wellbeing. The way I came on this is also allergies and I notice I feel tired when I have allergies, and this is the area of maximum nasal resistance. But I feel tired and I notice if I put a Breathe right strip on immediately I feel better. I feel less tired, my mood increases. So what I did I started wearing Breathe Right strips. And Breathe Right strips enlarge your nasal passage and then I also studied this instant change that Doctor Einstein does and I want everybody to do it. So everybody breathe in through your nose, and then put your fingers on the sides of your nose and pull out and do it again. Feel the change? If you didn’t feel a change pull harder until you feel a change. So, that’s what i use for the instant studies. What I’ve found and I’ll go through a little bit of the data. What I found is that when I did that and sat and breathed that way the world became a little bit brighter, I felt a little bit better. So one thing I felt is that I was breathing more slowly when I did that. So I looked at repertory rates over days when I was breathing normally and when I was pulling out on my skin. There was no difference. I was the same repertory rate. I was surprised by that, and there was a feeling that I was breathing more slowly, and I was trying to figure out why I feel that way. I think this help belly breathing and maybe it just decreases the effort of breathing in some ways, because your nostrils are a little bit open it might change the pauses you have between breathes. So then I looked at sleep with the Breathe Right strip, and I did six consecutive days; normal and then with the Breathe Right nasal strip. So without the Breathe Right strips I really didn’t all feel that refreshed in the morning. So wearing the Breathe Right strip I felt more refreshed. That was a definite difference I felt upon waking up every morning. And Breathe Right strips are proven to help with snoring and so there’s probably something about sleep disorder breathing with snoring that help. Then I just looked at instant well-being, and felt this just wearing the Breathe Right strips, and so I just wanted to record a couple of observations about this. When I’m in different situations, stressful situations, and I pull out on my nose do I feel better, do I feel a better sense of well-being, of course across all the kinds of the well-being before I felt an improvement. So that was universal. So this idea of what I’m saying is that feeling tired from allergies is not necessarily from allergies. It could be because you’re not breathing well. the current medical therapies that you can only use for a short time, and there’s surgical therapy. So I wanted to turn these observations into a medical device, so that’s the medical device that I’m developing which is putting a device into the nose, pushing it forward into that anatomy that I talked about, spreading that anatomy out and then using energy to fix that area into this new shape. So this area – it’s called the nasal stop – no one’s ever heard of it and even physicians don’t talk about it, and the reason they don’t is because there hasn’t been anything to do for it except for ver evasive surgery. So I want to provide people with a permanent Breathe Right strip effect. I guess the evolutionary theories are that there is some mechanism that if you don’t breath as well as you should your nasal passages get closed that makes you tired. And some of the theories I’ve seen are that when we were as cavemen if we are not breathing well, if we feel tired we should go to sleep. You know we won’t be able to get away from our predators as well. Lastly I thought about is why do we even have a nose, you know, people don’t – we’re the only species that does – So evolutionarily I think there’s a reason why this happens, and why do we have a nose. We’re the only species that does, and we’re the only species that has this problem. So my theory there is that humans are the only species with that has breath tissue, so you needed a nose to push the breath tissue out of the way so that the infant can breathe. And because we had developed the nose we developed this problem. So that’s my theory, and I’d love help in getting everybody to quantify this in some way. I did very basic things, but if people could think about ways that I can measure air flow better, better outcome data I would appreciate it.

Thank you.

About the presenter

Scott Wolf gave this talk.