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The Keating Memorial is an ongoing effort to support people in doing personal science or self-research in a collaborative group setting. Co-organized between Open Humans and Quantified Self, it consists of weekly self-research meetings which are held online via Zoom and annual presentations of self-research results that are done each summer since 2020.


This memorial effort is done to honor Steven Keating who was an inspiring advocate for patient data access and engagement around data. Curiosity was a driving force in Steven's life. He recorded and shared videos of his brain surgery, explored his cancer's genetic data, and printed 3D models of his tumor. On July 19 2019, Steven passed away. In his memory and in celebration of his life, the Keating Memorial wants to help more people be curious about themselves.

Weekly meetings

A big part of the Keating Memorial are the weekly self-research chats, which take place every Thursday at 10am Pacific/1pm Eastern/7pm Central European time. These hour-long calls are centered around open format in which participants bring their own ideas, questions, issues or updates on their self-research projects to share their insights and get feedback or help. See all details on past calls and how to join. Additionally, a list of the topics etc. discussed can also be found on this wiki.

Additionally, the Keating Memorial group also uses the #self-research channel in the Open Humans Slack.

Memorial presentations

Once a year, the Keating Memorial holds a more structured online event in which individuals share their findings and what they learned in a Show & Tell talk. These talks center around three questions: 1. What did you do? 2. How did you do it? 3. What did you learn? These events take place during the summer, around the date of Steven Keating's passing.

2020 projects


2021 projects


2022 projects

The planning for the current Show & Tell event is currently on-going. As part of this we are looking for people who have projects that they would like to implement over the summer or have already done and would like to present. If you have a project or project idea that you think would be great to share, please add it below in the table.

Self-Researcher Topic Details
Mad Ball
Abhik Chowdhury